For people who live and love an adventure lifestyle, the typical IFAK just isn't versatile enough. Introducing the new D-Dey Adventurer!! Small enough to go anywhere and everywhere you do. It's the only kit we've added to our lineup in over SIX years, so you know we believe that it has a place in everyone's life. This kit fits in the bottom of your backpack, beach bag, or can be lashed to your paddle board, surfboard or kayak. It's small enough to go into a truck's center console, and under the seat of a car. It floats, is water tight and crush proof.
Medical Kit Dimensions: 11.14" x 6.86" x 3.88"
Pelican waterproof case
Aspirin x1
Motrin x1
Tylenol x1
Benadryl x1
Dramamine x1
Gloves x2
Tweezers x1
Scissors x1
Alcohol prep pad x2
Iodine prep pad x2
Triple antibiotic ointment x4
Burn cream x1
Hydrocortisone x1
Emergency blanket x1
Eye shield x1
NexTemp x2
Oral salts x1
Ammonia inhalant x1
Glucose x1
Band-aid strip x5
Knuckle bandage x5
4x4 Burn dressing x1
Saljet x2
Triangular bandage x1
4x4 gauze x2
2x2 gauze x2
1” Medical tape x1
4” Trauma dressing x1
Steri-Strip x1
NPA 28 w/ lube x1
Chest seal x1
Tourniquet x1
5x9 ABD x1